Friday, September 17, 2010

Building a laptop request for information?

When i buy the bag, does it include those 2 wires which connect my optical disk and hard drive to the motherboard?

Building a laptop request for information?

It should come next to the motherboard. It has near both computers I have built. Those be both MSI motherboards. It may just be something MSI does.
They'll come near the motherboard, not the case.
Generally they come near the drives themselves.

A case repeatedly doesn't even include a power supply!

Depending on the motherboard you buy, you will most likely to know how to use either an IDE (flat ribbon) or SATA (rounded cable) for your sturdy drive.

Cables are cheap.
If you are truly building a PC from scratch, when you a buy a crust all you capture is the case.
Yes it will be provided within the package.
He is correct, the Case simply comes with mounting hardware and, power cable. All the computers I have built other came next to the ribbon cables surrounded by the motherboard box.
Cables come with motherboard, not cases.

My motherboard come with one IDE ribbon cable and two SATA cable.

Nevertheless, cables are amazingly cheap, both IDE and SATA only cost a couple of bucks respectively.
Generally speaking, the cables you refer to are IDE cable and usually are only included near new motherboards not the skin. The only cable you return with with a foreign case is the power cord and mounting screw and hardware. If you really need topical cables, you can find them a any local computer retail store.

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