Wednesday, September 15, 2010

All you Windows 98 People!?

how do you bring up cammand prompt previously login on the computer.See my lptop has not be working well i know how to restore settings but i want to know hoe to bring it up on the blind when turning on the computer.

All you Windows 98 People!?

Tap the F8 key repeatedly while the computer is booting up. When the Windows startup menu comes up, choose one of the Command Prompt option.
Hit F8 like the devil when the computer is booting (right formerly the windows startup logo appears). Select Safe mode/command prompt.
i know how to fix adjectives your laptop problems get a bit closer to the screen aaaaaannnnnnnnndddddddd UPGRADE YOUR LAPTOP OPERATING SYSTEM!!!!!!...
Try booting your PC using a window 98 boot diskette. It should be one with a command.exe surrounded by it. If you don't have it, bring back a copy from another Win98 machine. I reckon WinMe boot disks will also work with Win98 machines. -- goodluck
I'd usually use a boot disk which allows you to boot with disc ROM support. That'll get you a prompt.
Press Delete, F1...and adjectives the other F vary by computer, but one will bring up the cmd prompt.
Windows 98 does not really have any personal accounts... it's basically BOGUS that way.

But shift into the Network Properties. Then Change the way that you log contained by.
Once the PC has be switched on you repeatedly tap F8 until you seize a meu. This menu will have command prompt single. Select this using arrow keys, press enter and you hold it. Tapping ctrl also brings the menu up.

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