Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Are mac computers competent to obtain virus?

Are mac computers competent to obtain virus?

Technically yes, any computer operating system can carry a virus. In real enthusiasm, no. In 15 years I've never even heard of anyone getting a virus on their Mac. Allegedly nearby are 2, maybe 3 out in that... and they've been patched out anyway. Mac OS X (and Linux) run agency more advanced security models than operating systems from Microsoft.

Microsoft Windows virus run at several thousand new ones respectively day, and thats not counting the trojans, spyware and adware. Steer clear!

Here is the top 20 for April 2007:

See Win32? Notice OSX anywhere? Nuff said.
There are VERY FEW virus for a Mac
Yes... they can... although considering Mac OS makes up such a small bit of the operating systems running around the world, viruses writers tend to not bother... opt for Windows because so many general public are running it. Truth be told, Mac OSX is not all that more protected than WinXP (lets not flame... its true), but there are so impressively few threats out there, they never obtain the press Windows does
yes, although in attendance aren't more the a few. nobody wants to leftovers time writing a virus for a mac as you wouldn't be infecting very several computers........just kid
the previous answers beat me, but on a Mac your principal concern is not Viruses, but the human error pitfalls such as installing spyware, and not keeping the software/OS up to date resulting in vulnerability exploits.

That is why I use Little Snitch (think-ZoneAlarm) and individual download software from trusted sources.
yes but sense most people that variety viruses are smart and use window you don't have to verbs much

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